Diversity in the US

Eliecer Andres Trillos
3 min readMar 14, 2020

Even though the US population has become more diverse, there are still big gaps in categories like Venture Capitalists and Fortune 500 CEOs.

As diversity has become more and more important around the world and especially in the US, more people are analyzing related data. One example is the following data visualization(viz). Although this viz is not the best to help us compare diversity as a whole in different categories we can see a breakdown by notable tech companies.


But can you easily compare the diversity through the years by different categories to see how each one has been changing? Not really. That is why I decided to create a simple viz using Tableau where we could filter by category and see the diversity changes from 2014 to 2017.

Here it is!


So what did I do different?

First of all I grouped all the companies so we could get the overall race diversity percentages from all the companies included in the data set. As I wanted to show the change over the years, I selected the date as the Columns value. Then created a pivot to get the percentage of race and included that in the rows.

Race was added to Color so we could see the each race represented by a color in the graphic. Finally, created a filter for categories the user can select to see the metrics.

Plenty of room for more diversity!

As noted through the different categories the percentages of Black and Latino are still very small especially in Fortune 500 CEOs, Venture Capitalists and Tech companies. Considering the size of the population for Black and Latino which are the second and third largest in the US there is still a lot of improvement we can do to increase the numbers for these groups in the categories mentioned.

Every year there are more incubators, groups, programs, and events focusing on minorities and as more Latinos and Black get interested in studying STEM careers the numbers are going to increase for sure. Its going to take some time but if we continue helping each other the next viz will certainly be more balanced!

Data source for both visualizations: https://data.world/makeovermonday/2018w46



Eliecer Andres Trillos

+35 countries, 100 Fortune company. Travel, Education, Data and Entrepreneurship passionate. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliecertrillos/